Sri Lankan Glossary Acronyms Short Forms

yellow, red, and green flag on pole under daylight


 CFA  Ceasefire Agreement
 EU  European Union
 GOSL  Government of Sri Lanka
 IA  Interim Authority
 IDP  Internally Displaced Person
 ISGA  Interim Self Governing Authority
 LTTE  Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam
 NACPR  National Advisory Council for Peace and Reconciliation
 P-TOMS  Post-Tsunami Operational Management Structure
 RRR  Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconciliation
 SCOPP  Secretariat for Co-ordinating the Peace Process
 SDN  Sub-Committee On De-Escalation & Normalisation
 SGI  Sub-Committee On Gender Issues
 SIHRN  Sub-Committee On Immediate Humanitarian & Rehabilitation Needs In The North & East
 SLMM  Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission
 SOMA  Status of Mission Agreement.
CEB Ceylon Electricity Board
CTB Ceylon Travelling Bus
SLTB Sri Lanka Travelling Bus