Daily Update: Litro Gas Price in Sri Lanka – 2024.02.02


Stay informed with the latest daily update on Litro Gas prices in Sri Lanka. Find out the current price per cylinder and stay ahead of market fluctuations.

Are you keeping track of the latest gas prices? At https://www.tribune.lk/, we bring you the most recent updates on Litro Gas prices in Sri Lanka, ensuring you stay informed about the market trends.

Today’s Colombo Litro Gas Price:

Date: 2024.02.02 Price per 12.5 kg Gas Cylinder: Rs. 4249.98

Source: Litro Gas Company https://www.litrogas.com/price-list/

Stay tuned for daily updates on Litro Gas prices to make informed decisions and manage your expenses effectively.

Why Stay Informed?

Gas prices can have a significant impact on household budgets and business operations. By staying updated with the latest price changes, you can:

  • Plan your budget more effectively
  • Adjust your expenses accordingly
  • Stay ahead of market trends and make informed decisions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. How often are the prices updated? We update Litro Gas prices daily to ensure you have access to the most current information.
  2. Are the prices uniform across all regions? While we strive to provide accurate data, gas prices may vary slightly based on location and market conditions.
  3. Can I expect price fluctuations in the near future? Gas prices are subject to various factors such as global market trends, exchange rates, and government policies. While we aim to provide timely updates, fluctuations may occur.

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